The New York State Archives Partnership Trust Presents
Conflict, Commerce & Cooperation: John Bowne, Petrus Stuyvesant and the Question of Tolerance in 1660s New Amsterdam
Join Charlotte Jackson, Archivist for the Bowne House Historical Society, and Toya Dubin, Director of
Mapping Early New York on a journey that includes a New Amsterdam prison sentence, a trans-Atlantic
voyage, and the Quaker community in Flushing that insisted upon religious tolerance while retaining
trading relationships throughout New Netherland. The Bowne House Historical Society and the New
Amsterdam History Center have come together to research this story, sharing their distinct perspectives
and resources to expand the map of Colonial New Netherland. This presentation will include
documents, maps, and 3D models.
This is a Virtual Event

associated with religious liberty and the Underground Railroad. She has been working with over 300 years of historic documents in the Bowne House Archives since 2016. Ms. Jackson also works in Interlibrary Loan and Resource Sharing at the Brooklyn College Library. She holds a Master's Degree in Library Science from the Pratt Institute and an MFA in Creative Writing, Non-Fiction from Columbia University.``