The New Amsterdam History Center
Cordially Invites You for a Tour of
37-01 Bowne Street
Flushing New York
Friday March 10, 2017 – 11 to 12:30
The visit will include a guided tour of the house and garden (weather permitting.)
The Bowne House, built by John Bowne circa 1661 or earlier, is the oldest house in Queens, an amalgam of both New World Dutch and English architectural traditions of building. It is noted for its connection to the principle of religious freedom in America.
Bowne House is a city and state landmark and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places as a New York State Site of National Significance.
Admission $10; Free for NAHC Members
Space is limited to 25 people.
RSVP by March 6, 2017 to [email protected] or call Libby Tatum at 212-233-1245
(Transportation can be arranged upon request for an additional fee.)
Become a NAHC member on our website www.newamsterdam history, by email to [email protected] or call 212-233-1960