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The Archeology of New Amsterdam and Its Environs
01:00pm to 05:00pm - June 9, 2017

The New Amsterdam History Center Cordially Invites You to a Lecture

The Archeology of New Amsterdam and Its Environs

Archeologists Anne-Marie Cantwell, Emerita Professor of Anthropology at Rutgers University, and Diana diZerega Wall, an historical archaeologist and Professor of Anthropology at City College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, will offer a lecture and slide show about the archaeology of New Netherland in the greater New York area, including sites in Manhattan and the four boroughs. It will be combined with a visit to the site on Governors Island where a Dutch windmill once stood.


Friday June 9, 2017, at 1 PM
The talk will take place on GOVERNORS ISLAND
Meet at the FERRY: Battery Maritime Building
10 South Street, New York


Participation: $15 for NAHC Members; $25 for non-members
RSVP by June 1, 2017, to nahceberg@gmail.com or call Libby Tatum at 212-233-1245

Become a NAHC member on our website www.newamsterdam historycenter.org, by email to
info@newamsterdamhistorycenter.org or call 212-233-1960




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