Welcome to the Spring, 2023, NAHC Newsletter! This publication is our 15th Newsletter dating back to the inaugural Volume 1 published in 2017
Letter from NAHC President and Executive Director
Firth Haring Fabend, Ph.D. is the author of A Dutch Family in the Middle Colonies,1660-1800 (1991); Land So Fair (2008), a historical novel set in the Early New York period, treating in fiction this same family; and a historical poem in book form, A Catch of Grandmothers (2004), which portrays the women in this family over ten generations. Other books are Zion on the Hudson: Dutch New York and New Jersey in the Age of Revivals (2000) and New Netherland in a Nutshell: A Concise History of the Dutch Colony in North America (2012). She is the author also of several dozen shorter essays and chapters in books concerning New Netherland and its legacy. Her work has received many awards, the most recent being the New Netherland Institute’s Alice P. Kenney Memorial Award in 2017. She is the past President of the Jacob Leisler Institute for the Study of Early New York History.
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